It looks like, besides cycling, we both share a love for waxed cotton garments. He even showed me some Japanese denim that he had tucked deep down under rolls of some fancy hi-tech waterproof fabric that actually looked like wool.
No matter if the conversation revolves around the group gravel rides he organizes or the wonders of the clever back pockets in his carefully designed corduroy jackets, every single word that leaves Luca Bernasconi’s mouth is loaded with passion. He has that energy that, using an easy cliché, could easily be classified as “a bit Italian”.
Then when he grabs those big sharp scissors and starts to cut a pattern, a strange calm surrounds him, his hands move with ease at incredible speed and precision that reminds me of a surgeon.
Luca makes clothing with his own hands. Not only on this side of the world but less than hour's train ride from my house here in Switzerland. His brand is called ISORNO.
Did I mention that he picked me up at the train station driving an early 70s blue Cinquecento? 😊
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